Installation view (Echos bones and other precipitates by Samuel Beckett, Silent structures, Sun and shadow on title page)

Torch / 17987162521 Meters in 1 minute (2013) (HD-video, no sound, 1 minute/loop)

The video starts with a flash of light – followed by a counter measuring how far the light will travel trough space during the following minute.


Torch / Other precipitates,
Soloshow, Svilova, Göteborg, summer 2013

Visit the exhibition at Svilova web site here
Downlad exhibition dossier here


Animation: Silent structures (digital edition: frame 1000-1599) (2013) 1920X1080, length 30 min. Edition 1/1.


The first thing that happens is a sense of backwash. There is no pressure drop, but it feels like that’s exactly what has happened. And then I fall. Into absolute stillness, absolute silence. Imagine that you are the light of the torch that for a second flares up and then falls 17987162521 meters down into space. Imagine in the same way that you are each and everyone of the letters that, for example, make up Samuel Becketts complete book of poems Echo ́sBones and Other Precipitates, that you are the words disassembled, a print raster, all the speech in the world, cry, wonder, despair, desire, rage transformed into photons and that you are now, falling through your own skull, encased in the world and at the same time the world encased in you, as the poem says: ”through the sky/of my skull shell of sky and earth”, imagine yourself consisting of light and words, the only things in the universe that last and are completely still in the collapse, falling straight out into darkness and time. Imagine that stillness. Then imagine the core of precipitation, the crack before precipitation, the placenta when the fetus lets go and falls, the cycles and inversions of the electrons in the human brain, the blood vessels in the eye, x-rays, hastily sketched faces, rivers, traffic networks, borderlines, rifts, cracks, the remnants of motion.

Each time I stand before a work of art made by Jesper Norda giant rooms of silence open inside me. Rooms I know I have to remain in. To be able to remain human. Frightening? Beautiful? Filled with sadness? Indifferent? Shadow and light on a white paper. The words still ”unworded”, yet complete, unachievable. A human being being human: with the torch ”mark ones presence in the darkness, send messages to someone, warn someone, call for help". / Marie Norin, 2013.


Echos bones and other precipitates by Samuel Beckett (2013) 33 prints in handmade book, 420X297 mm, pigment print on archival paper, edition 5+1AP

All the letters in Samuel Becketts collection of poems: Echos bones (and other precipitates). In original order, spacing between each letter, no capital letter, no punctuation. All chapter and verse indications are removed. The words of Echos bones reduced to sheets of abstract patterns, varying in intensity.


Installation view (Torch / 17987162521 Meters in 1 minute)